USC Libraries’ Bioinformatics Services has a Bioinformatics Computation and Consulting Center housed in Norris Medical Library, and an expert on the University Park Campus.They assist USC faculty, staff, and students with their bioinformatics needs and facilitates interdisciplinary collaborative research. The team provides both in-house and vendor training workshops, tutorials, and consultations. On this list of Research Guides on Bioinformatics Services and Software, you’ll find information about software including high-throughput data analysis tools like Partek Genomics Suite (PGS), Partek Flow, CLC Genomics Workbench, Galaxy, and Vector NTI Advance. There are also guides for functional genomics tools like Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA), Ingenuity Variants Analysis (IVA), BIOBASE, BaseSpace Correlation Engine (formerly known as Nextbio), Qinsight, Oncomine Research Premium, and Genevestigator Advanced and more. For more information on bioinformatics research support at USC Libraries, see the Bioinformatics Services page.