Answered By: Adam Sexton
Last Updated: Jun 12, 2023     Views: 496

The legacy method of allowing direct access to electronic resources based on an on-campus fixed IP (used by computers located on campus) has become enough of a security burden that USC Libraries is moving away from fixed IP access. Electronic resources are now solely accessible through the USC Libraries website. A sign on using your USC NetID is required to access most resources.

The difficult decision to make this move came after several factors, including a marked increase in attempts of unauthorized access, contractual concerns from vendors, and guidance from the Office of the Chief Cybersecurity Officer (OCISO).

The desired seamless transition to USC NetID based access is difficult to achieve in practice as fixed-IP access is leveraged in many unique ways. If you are experiencing a disruption in workflow or productivity because of the move away from fixed-IP access, please send an email to and you will be contacted as soon as possible.

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