Log into your IDD account and enter the request as a Loan, as if you needed to “Borrow” a Book or other available physical item.
Add a note in the “Additional Information and/or Special Instructions” on the form about where the item is coming from.
Libraries staff will then pull the item for you and IDD Services will transport it over to either of several main USC Libraries (e.g., Leavey Library).
Important: IDD requests for physical items within the USC Libraries collections (e.g., between Norris Medical Library and UPC Campus) are often satisfied within hours.
If for whatever reason USC Libraries staff are not able to quickly find or otherwise provide the item, the hold will automatically become a longer interlibrary loan request (24 hours+).
For the UPC Campus, “Hold for Pick-up” means hold at Leavey Library.
For Marshall School of Business students, faculty and staff: "Hold for Pick-up" means hold at the Gaughan & Tiberti Business Library circulation desk.
For additional information, see the guide to IDD Services: https://libguides.usc.edu/idd/whatisidd
See also: How long do I need to wait for books requested from the Grand Avenue Library?: https://libanswers.usc.edu/access/faq/21357